Garden of Eden Urban Farming
Training & Careers
We train technicians, managers and entrepreneurs in methods of soil-free gardening in a series of professional courses. Small classes ensure personal attention. Students experience a wide range of hands-on and classroom learning on growing strategies and equipment and help them fit equipment to crop choices based on market research. We also introduce urban gardening concepts in several workshops and seminars.

The opportunity is real and growing. Note that many more jobs and careers call for knowledge or skills in hydroponic agriculture in related industries like manufacturing, distribution, marketing and sales in both retail and wholesale companies. While our programs are not intended as workplace training, the skills and knowledge imparted are steps in the direction of a personally and professionally rewarding occupation and career. For example, these positions were open and advertised as of December 3, 2017 on a national job search board with wages and salaries ranging from $12/hour to $6,000 per month.

Starting in 2017 we have offered workshops on hydroponic techniques ranging from self-contained desktop systems up to extensive commercial operations. Visit this page occasionally to learn what's new in this exciting activity. See the Calendar for currently scheduled workshops.


Hydroponic Gardening Overview
Learn to grow fresh, healthy vegetables in your own home. Start the same day!
Build your own Garden of Eden
Partner with GOE to create a training and production facility. An overview of our professional development curriculum.


These courses are intended to prepare technicians, garden managers, marketing and sales pros, and comunity organizers in the potential and opportunity afforded by urban vertical gardening.
Personal hydroponics
Taught both on and off site, this course explores popular techniques for home vegetable production using commercially available technology.
Introductory hydroponics
Taught on site, this course teaches theory and technique of small scale hydroponic gardening, including hands-on experience with growing microgreens and leafy green adult plants. We examine possible employment as technicians.
Advanced hydroponics
Taught on site, this course expands on introductory topics and adds crop selection, alternative methods and technology, typical problem solving, and common issues in crop protection and quality assurance. We explore possible employment both within and outside the garden, including equipment manufacturing, distribution, retail (e.g., gardening shops and big-box stores). Includes exposure and experience with online management software for garden and sales management.
Professional hydroponics
Taught on site and virtually, this course explores problems in gardening management and further examines job opportunities within and beyond the garden, including education. We consider the "new economic engine" created by supplying fresh, local, nutritious food both to conventional grocers and in the many "food deserts" in underserved communities. Includes use of advanced management software in management of individual and distributed gardens.
Entrepreneurial hydroponics
Taught on site and virtually and in cooperation with selected institutions, we look at how experts can expand opportunities in the many professions tied to urban gardening. This course is open to growers, of course, but also to engineers, architects, financiers and educators.

Training History

Nutritional labeling of fresh cut vegetables or living plants
Product labeling.
Jane's Microgreens Saves the World
By Rees Clark
Jane's Microgreens video dry run.
Adjusting pH in Home Gardens
Tips on adjusting pH with reader comments.
LETI-CCC Indoor Garden
LETI-CCC Indoor Farm is a joint project of Latino Educational Training Institute and GOE Urban Farming, located initially in the Child Car Circles facility in Lynnwood, WA.
Discovering Ximena’s Garden
By Martina Figueroa
Ximena discovers hydroponics and tells the world.
Nutrition, Participation and Social Engagement
By Michael Twiggs and Rees Clark, Ph.D.
Download the presentation.
Commissary and Home
By Michael Twiggs and Rees Clark, Ph.D.
Download the presentation.
By Michael Twiggs and Rees Clark, Ph.D.
Download the presentation.
Puget Sound Microgreens Project 2022-23
Project ideas for 2022-3.
Seattle Central College 2021
We taught a contingent of 8 students from SCC the rudiments of urban gardening in a six-week special course. One is now a member of our team and at least one other has been actively involved in project development in the US and abroad.
Summer 2022 Seattle Student Gardening
Eduponics program design submitted to Seattle City DEEL Program
GOE's New Economic Engine
Home gardening can play a major role in revitalization of communities. Garden of Eden can help. Our customer information center service
GOE in Video
Watch and Learn: Microgreens
General information videos from around the Worldwide Web.
Welcome, Facebook Friends!
tallies and fwds to home page.
Build your own Garden of Eden
Partner with GOE to create a training and production facility. An overview of our professional development curriculum.
First Class is 'First Class'
GOE's first training program in Seattle is described in this article from the Seattle Medium.
Hydroponic Gardening Overview
Learn to grow fresh, healthy vegetables in your own home. Start the same day!
Tacoma Urban League Demonstration Garden Under Way
Intended to build awareness and train gardeners, this project's courses range from do-it-yourself to commercial scale.
Tacoma Urban League Site Demonstrates Productive Concept
Get some now.


Our Eduponics™ program is designed for schools from junior high through college. It introduces students to hydroponic farming in the context of a laboratory as small as a bookcase all the way up to a commercial scale business that can supply the school's own needs or be a real-world experience in business and agriculture programs. Training can lead to careers in this emerging field and in related support industries. Eduponics offers equipment, curriculum and teacher training, plus optional ongoing consultation and system maintenance, depending on the needs of the individual program.

¡Se habla español!

Anticipamos que revisiones de los servicios educativos de este programa estarán disponible en español comenzando desde mayo de 2024.